As many of you know I have been sick the last little while. What started as the never ending head cold turned ugly this last weekend and developed into a oh so lovely cough and chest pain - with accompanying Barry White impersonation - as well as a fever, which as we all know has many fun side affects all its own. I finally went to the doctor yesterday - I was positive that my congestion had become a sinus infection, I had all the signs. Pain in the sinuses, ears hurt, teeth hurt and the very popular head feels like it is going to explode especially if I bend over! This on top of the bronchial crap and I was ready for some antibiotics! But did the doctor agree with me - NO! After listening to my list of pains, he examined me and pronounced me with Influenza! Yes, he says I had the flu! Oh, I did have some bronchial inflammation that he would treat but in his "expert" opinion I just needed to rest for the next 3-8 days and let it run its course! (umm, hello ... did you miss the part where I said I had a life!!) So we "talked" about it ... me insisting that I wanted antibiotics "just in case" and him not really willing to hand over that prescription. However, he did ask me if I needed any narcotics to help with the pain in my chest from the coughing! DUH!! You aren't willing to give me amoxicillin but you're offering up Narcotics!! In the end I got my way, I happily left the office with a fistful of prescriptions including the golden ticket for amoxicillin! Now, he didn't want me to start the antibiotics for 3 or 4 days just to see if I felt better on my own, hmm let me think about that - Nope! Started on all the meds yesterday afternoon and today I am feeling
so much better! Praise be to modern medicine! And a pox on the doc who didn't want to give up the amoxicillin prescription! I want to call him today and say "neener, neener - it was a sinus infection, I was right and you were wrong - neener, neener, neener!!"