Friday, February 22, 2008

Strawberries with Cream

You Are Strawberries with Cream
Fresh and uncomplicated, you are always enjoyed but often overlooked.
You're confident in who you are. You don't need a facade to feel better about yourself.

Hmm ... I like that I'm enjoyed but not so keen on being "overlooked" - but I can see how that does relate to me. So interesting to see yourself describe as a dessert.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Smarter than the MD!

As many of you know I have been sick the last little while.  What started as the never ending head cold turned ugly this last weekend and developed into a oh so lovely cough and chest pain - with accompanying Barry White impersonation - as well as a fever, which as we all know has many fun side affects all its own. I finally went to the doctor yesterday - I was positive that my congestion had become a sinus infection, I had all the signs.  Pain in the sinuses, ears hurt, teeth hurt and the very popular head feels like it is going to explode especially if I bend over! This on top of the bronchial crap and I was ready for some antibiotics! But did the doctor agree with me - NO! After listening to my list of pains, he examined me and pronounced me with Influenza! Yes, he says I had the flu! Oh, I did have some bronchial inflammation that he would treat but in his "expert" opinion I just needed to rest for the next 3-8 days and let it run its course! (umm, hello ... did you miss the part where I said I had a life!!) So we "talked" about it ... me insisting that I wanted antibiotics "just in case" and him not really willing to hand over that prescription. However, he did ask me if I needed any narcotics to help with the pain in my chest from the coughing!  DUH!! You aren't willing to give me amoxicillin but you're offering up Narcotics!!  In the end I got my way, I happily left the office with a fistful of prescriptions including the golden ticket for amoxicillin! Now, he didn't want me to start the antibiotics for 3 or 4 days just to see if I felt better on my own, hmm let me think about that - Nope! Started on all the meds yesterday afternoon and today I am feeling so much better!  Praise be to modern medicine! And a pox on the doc who didn't want to give up the amoxicillin prescription! I want to call him today and say "neener, neener - it was a sinus infection, I was right and you were wrong - neener, neener, neener!!"

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Bringin' Sexy Back!

I had to post this for Mariah and Laurie ... I had never seen Pride and Prejudice before and was compelled to after seeing a post on Mariah's blog.  The opening sequence is just for you guys! Thanks for guiding me to a new favorite movie!!! That JT is singing about "bringin' sexy back" is just an added bonus....  (pause my music player)

Thanks to my friend Kerri Sue - I got the link for this from a similar one on her blog!

Mom's turn

I have spent the last 2 1/2 weeks being Mya's personal nurse as she has battled strep throat and a sinus infection.  We are on our second round of antibiotics and it looks like we have finally turned a corner - or at least I hope!  She spent all of last week home from school and I am so ready for her to go back!  The only person who rivals Mya in the sick patient role is her daddy - only he isn't quite as overly dramatic! (love you babe;)   In addition to Mya, Cameron has also had strep which was diagnosed on Mya's second trip to the pediatrician - oh the fun we have had.  But now that everyone is doped up on meds and acting a little better guess who has a fever now?  MOMMY!!  Yep, I feel like crap - wahoo!  And to add to the fun of it all, Andy is out of town until Tuesday - lucky me!  Feel free to send any entertaining clips and quotes to me as I plan on doing nothing but curling up in a big blanket and reading, playing on the computer and watching movies for the next few days!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Spring fever anyone?

Is it just me or are we ready for spring?  I realize it is only the middle of February, but I'm ready for the thaw!  I've never been a fan of the snow or the cold, I don't ski so I can't truly appreciate the massive accumulation of the white stuff, and in all honesty I would rather be hanging out by the pool tanning myself instead of standing knee high in snow and shivering my little booty off!  And the past few days have been beautiful!  I went running outside yesterday afternoon in just my shorts and one long sleeve shirt - no hat, no gloves, no tights!  It was so nice!  And this morning I only had three layers on, not four or five like in past weeks!!  I can just feel it in the air, the thaw is coming - now if I can just hold on for the next 5 or 6 weeks that it will take to get here! 

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sunday Night Funnies

So I'm not big into football or the Super Bowl for that matter, but I've always loved the commercials.  The beer commercials are usually the best, but tonight I saw this one and laughed out loud!  (To be honest it is the only one I actually saw) We were visiting my grandma and my Aunt happened to be there too and we both thought this one was pretty funny, so Geri this one is for you!   For those of you who watched (or didn't watch) the game or the commercials, it is the Diet Pepsi commercial with Justin Timberlake.  I've always thought he was a hottie - cute white boy that can sing and move like that ... yum ... (sorry honey, you know I love you best!)  My favorite part is at the end when he says "hey to you" ...  Love that he can make fun of himself!