Saturday, February 16, 2008

Mom's turn

I have spent the last 2 1/2 weeks being Mya's personal nurse as she has battled strep throat and a sinus infection.  We are on our second round of antibiotics and it looks like we have finally turned a corner - or at least I hope!  She spent all of last week home from school and I am so ready for her to go back!  The only person who rivals Mya in the sick patient role is her daddy - only he isn't quite as overly dramatic! (love you babe;)   In addition to Mya, Cameron has also had strep which was diagnosed on Mya's second trip to the pediatrician - oh the fun we have had.  But now that everyone is doped up on meds and acting a little better guess who has a fever now?  MOMMY!!  Yep, I feel like crap - wahoo!  And to add to the fun of it all, Andy is out of town until Tuesday - lucky me!  Feel free to send any entertaining clips and quotes to me as I plan on doing nothing but curling up in a big blanket and reading, playing on the computer and watching movies for the next few days!

1 comment:

Becca said...

It was so fun seeing you yesterday and I would have never guessed you were sick. I'm sorry that you feel like crap now! I hate being a mom and being sick because it's just not possible to do both. I just wrote a poem about it and put it on my blog. It's good for a laugh if you feel like checking it out. Feel better soon!