Friday, March 21, 2008
What a tease!
Ty is just a big tease! All that love for the potty yesterday and today - nothing! Anytime I mentioned it he gave me "the hand". Many of you know, and have been given "the hand" - Laurie and Andrea seem to be his favorite people to do it to. He stretches out his arm with his hand raised and gives it a little wave back and forth as if to dismiss you from his presence - usually accompanied by a scowl! It cracks me up every time! I tried to get a picture of if but each time he saw the camera his scowl disappeared and he gave me his big cheesy grin instead - still equally as cute, but I have plenty of those pictures already! Oh well on the potty training - but that's ok, mommy wasn't ready anyway!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Ty meets the potty
When it comes to potty training we have been incredibly lucky! Our oldest three pretty much potty trained themselves around the age of 2 - in fact the week before his second birthday Cameron told me that he was going to potty in the toilet and not his diaper - what mom can argue with that?!
So that leaves us with our youngest, Ty. He is only 2 1/2 and has shown absolutely NO interest in the potty - doesn't care if he is wet, dirty, nothing! He is the baby that throws a fit when you have to change him because you are somehow messing with his cool status or toy time. And quite frankly as long as he has it down by kindergarten, I'm okay with that! He is my baby after all! But today, out of the blue he tells me he needs to go potty so of course we go - nothing happens, but he sits there for 10 minutes! Can not get him off! This has gone on all morning - I'm not complaining by any means, but I do find it quite entertaining. We have had zero success and 2 accidents, but my boy is finally showing interest! The question is - am I ready for potty training?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
More things about me ...
I got this one from my sister in law Teresa. I think it was an email tag, not a blog, but it was fun so I am sharing it with you!
Four jobs I have had in my life:
- Cashier at Naugles (I was in high school, I lasted 3 months, it sucked!)
- Secretary in Maximum Security at the Utah State Prison (yes, I saw people I knew behind the bars!)
- Admin Lead (fancy word for secretary) at the Fred House Academy (trained Correctional Officers)
- Administrative Assistant to Hospital Adminstrator at UVRMC
- Pride & Prejudice (the one with Kiera Knightly)
- Pretty in Pink
- The Spiderwick Chronicles
- any of the Harry Potter movies
- Orem
- Cedar City
- back to Orem
- no where else - I'm an Orem girl born and raised!
- Journeyman
- The Office
- The Biggest Loser (this one I watch later that night)
- Grey's Anatomy
- The Oregon Coast (with my hubby and family which was fun - but the best was when me, Yvonne and my bro Adam all went together!)
- Disneyland
- No where exotic - this is kind of depressing, I think I'm going to skip the rest of it ...
Four people who email me (regularly):
- My YW leaders and YW (email and text)
- friends from the blogging world
- Bath & Body Works - daily & weekly coupons and sale notices
- Blockbuster online - movies I've returned and what's on its way!
- anything I don't have to cook or clean up
- Apollo Burger! Cheeseburger, fries, onion rings and FRY SAUCE!
- Cherry Coke
- Pina Colada smoothie from Jamba
- salsa & chips, cold cereal, gma J's enchiladas, girl scout cookies - I could go on and on!)
Four places I would rather be right now:
- Hawaii
- on the beach in Mexico
- traveling through Europe
- in bed
- kids bed times
- date night with my hubby! ;)
- traveling
- running - listening to everyone else talk while we are running! ;)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I'm back and I've been tagged!
So I had been sick for what seems like forever! And once I was feeling better I became super busy with kids, chores to catch up on, YW stuff, soccer, soccer and more soccer .... But I digress. The reason for this blog is to say I'm back! Not only that, but I've been tagged! Several times in fact, and I have yet to post my tags! I know, I'm a bad blogger ;) So for the next few posts, (I won't say days 'cause who knows how long it will take me to get back on the computer), I will try to catch up on my tags - starting with the oldest tag and trying to catch up to the most recent one!
Tag #1 is the good ol' 6 things about myself that most people don't know ... This tag is clear back from November 26, 2008 (yes I went back in Laurie's archive to find the date - told you I was a bad blogger). So here are 6 things you might not know about me ...
1. I have a freakishly long tongue
2. Although I run, I don't always love it or even like it. Sometimes it feels like a chore that has to be done! But then there are those amazing runs and races that make it all worth it - there is much to be said about an endorphin high or the awesome feeling you get when running fast and it feels so easy!
3. Noise really bothers me - in an anxiety inducing sort of way! (I'm talking about consistent background noises - like the tv and radio on at the same time while someone is talking to me; or children bickering or someone talking to me when I just want some quiet time)
4. I first meet my husband when I was 12 - I've had a crush on him ever since but we didn't date until right before his mission.
5. I have always wanted to visit Great Britain - I was accepted to attend the study abroad in London while in college but backed out so I could get married before my youngest brother went on his mission! (I know! Totally my idea too - I was so uptight about having all my brothers there ... Kevin would have been totally fine with missing it.) Just so you know - I have never regretted my decision, though I still haven't gone there yet!
6. I have 4 brothers - 2 older and 2 younger - and they STILL blame me for everything they ever got in trouble for! I admit that some of it was my fault, but not only was plenty of it their own faults, there were tons of times that they were mean/cruel/rotten/violent to me that I didn't tell on them! So in my book we are all even!
So ... anything you didn't already know? Anything you know that you think I should have shared with everyone else?
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