Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ty meets the potty

When it comes to potty training we have been incredibly lucky! Our oldest three pretty much potty trained themselves around the age of 2 - in fact the week before his second birthday Cameron told me that he was going to potty in the toilet and not his diaper - what mom can argue with that?!  
So that leaves us with our youngest, Ty. He is only 2 1/2 and has shown absolutely NO interest in the potty - doesn't care if he is wet, dirty, nothing! He is the baby that throws a fit when you have to change him because you are somehow messing with his cool status or toy time.  And quite frankly as long as he has it down by kindergarten, I'm okay with that! He is my baby after all! But today, out of the blue he tells me he needs to go potty so of course we go - nothing happens, but he sits there for 10 minutes! Can not get him off! This has gone on all morning - I'm not complaining by any means, but I do find it quite entertaining. We have had zero success and 2 accidents, but my boy is finally showing interest!  The question is - am I ready for potty training?

It took a few trips to the potty for me to convince him that he did not have to take all his clothes off each time!  It's been a hoot at our house today! ;)


Anonymous said...

That picture made my day! I think it was me that always put off potty training...I just couldn't stay home for 3 day! Good Luck :-)

Becca said...

I have pictures of both my boys like that--yours totally made me smile:-) Hopefully he stays interested and it's as easy as it was with the first 3--good luck!