Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More things about me ...

I got this one from my sister in law Teresa.  I think it was an email tag, not a blog, but it was fun so I am sharing it with you!

Four jobs I have had in my life:
  1. Cashier at Naugles (I was in high school, I lasted 3 months, it sucked!)
  2. Secretary in Maximum Security at the Utah State Prison (yes, I saw people I knew behind the bars!)
  3. Admin Lead (fancy word for secretary) at the Fred House Academy (trained Correctional Officers)
  4. Administrative Assistant to Hospital Adminstrator at UVRMC
Four movies I would watch over and over:
  1. Pride & Prejudice (the one with Kiera Knightly)
  2. Pretty in Pink
  3. The Spiderwick Chronicles
  4. any of the Harry Potter movies
Places I have lived:
  1. Orem
  2. Cedar City
  3. back to Orem
  4. no where else - I'm an Orem girl born and raised!
Four TV shows I watch: (I tivo and watch them weeks later!)
  1. Journeyman
  2. The Office
  3. The Biggest Loser (this one I watch later that night)
  4. Grey's Anatomy
Four places I have been as an adult:
  1. The Oregon Coast (with my hubby and family which was fun  - but the best was when me, Yvonne and my bro Adam all went together!)
  2. Disneyland
  3. No where exotic - this is kind of depressing, I think I'm going to skip the rest of it ...
Four people who email me (regularly):
  1. My YW leaders and YW (email and text)
  2. friends from the blogging world
  3. Bath & Body Works - daily & weekly coupons and sale notices
  4. Blockbuster online - movies I've returned and what's on its way!
Four of my favorite foods:
  1. anything I don't have to cook or clean up
  2. Apollo Burger! Cheeseburger, fries, onion rings and FRY SAUCE!
  3. Cherry Coke
  4. Pina Colada smoothie from Jamba
  5. salsa & chips, cold cereal, gma J's enchiladas, girl scout cookies - I could go on and on!)

Four places I would rather be right now:
  1. Hawaii
  2. on the beach in Mexico
  3. traveling through Europe
  4. in bed
Four things I look forward to:
  1. kids bed times
  2. date night with my hubby! ;)
  3. traveling
  4. running - listening to everyone else talk while we are running! ;)
So, now you all know how truly boring and common I am.  Still wanna be my friend?


Hassingers said...

Yea, I found you from a comment you left on Laurie's blog. Since she doesn't have her list anymore I couldn't find your blog. I have some cute pics I need to email you of this weekend.
Wow, we need to get you out of the U.S. and somewhere exotic.

Becca said...

Thanks for sharing--I love learning new things.

kami @ nobiggie.net said...

Fun to read all about you! The Oregon Coast is one of my most favorite places... Cannon Beach with Haystack Rock. It is heaven on earth!

P.S. Thanks for the nice comment today!

How funny, my word verification word for this comment, is actually a word this time..."Wobsoup". That is a first for me. :)

Kim said...

Cami, I stalked you too from Kelly's blog! Isn't blogging great? We won't even have to have a 20 year high school reunion=) How do you eat fries AND onion rings at Apollo Burger and still weigh 100 pounds?

Tate Family said...

You love running?? HA!
BTW, I'm setting my blog to private. If you'd like to be added email me:

Anonymous said...

I will be your date to Apollo Burger anyday :-)

AmbertheGreat said...

Good to know so many wonderful things about you :)