Thursday, April 24, 2008

100 things about me!

Ok, so today is my 34th birthday and to celebrate in blogging style I thought I would do my 100 things about me list.  I know most people do this for the 100th post, but at the rate I'm going that might never happen! ;)  So in honor of myself I present to you 100 things about me - whether you wanted to know them or not!
  1. I love to have my feet rubbed
  2. I can eat more food at a meal than my husband
  3. I love food!
  4. I have a fear of becoming overweight (I know, it doesn't make sense - the love for food and fear of the weight - I'm sure I need major therapy)
  5. I am the shortest female on my dad's side of the family (the average height is 6 ft and I'm only 5' 6")
  6. I am a big supporter of cancer research - cancer survivors, etc
  7. My dad is a cancer survivor
  8. I have a family history of colon cancer (my dad, his mom, her sisters and their dad)
  9. I loved high school & would totally do it again!
  10. Cherry coke ;)
  11. I like movie theater popcorn (gotta have the frozen jr mints - and the cherry coke;)
  12. I love HOT showers and bubble baths
  13. I love the feeling of freshly shaved legs
  14. I want to be tan again - like I was in HS and college - but I'm afraid of getting skin cancer
  15. My college coach hated me - true story!
  16. I constantly worry that I am screwing up my kids
  17. I love a clean house - but hate to clean it
  18. I have snooped on Christmas presents all my life - I didn't stopped until I was 22 (Andy says... REALLY...22...huh!)
  19. I hate not knowing what my gift is
  20. I don't really like chocolate - now caramel on the other hand ...
  21. I want to go back to school 
  22. I LOVE my calling
  23. I am a big fan of metal "hair" bands (huge crushes on Bret Michaels of Poison, David Coverdale of White Snake and Phil Collins of Def Leppard)
  24. I love my hubby's butt
  25. I want to travel through the British Isles and all of Europe
  26. I want to run the Boston Marathon (hope I can qualify this year)
  27. I hate the snow
  28. Apollo Burger onion rings and fry sauce - enough said!
  29. I may look like I have it all together - but behind the scenes it is often chaos!
  30. I adore my kids!  Seriously I think they are the cutest, smartest and sassiest kids around!
  31. I run with a group of amazing women!
  32. I wish I could still speak French - all those years of studying and I can barely read it now!
  33. My tongue is freakishly long
  34. I am still friends with my high school sweetheart (and no it wasn't Andy!)
  35. Come to think of it I am still friends with all but 2 of my ex-boyfriends (1 moved away and I haven't seen him since - the other was a complete waste of my time)
  36. My father was a steelworker at Geneva
  37. My mom worked in the lunchroom at the HS until she went back to school (I was in jr high - it was very hard on everyone)
  38. I've had a crush on Andrew McCarthy since I first saw him in Pretty in Pink
  39. My high school cross-country team was named the #1 HS Girls Team in the Nation 3 years in a row
  40. Although I was a distance runner in HS, I also ran the 100 meter hurdles and qualified for State with a fast enough time
  41. I am beyond retarded when it comes to being crafty
  42. I can eat an entire bag of BBQ flavored potato chips in one sitting 
  43. I am looking forward to the WBR (ok, I know it's called the Ragnar Relay now, but it will always be WBR to me!)
  44. I'm afraid to tell anyone my goal time for the St. George Marathon - I don't want them to judge me ("no way she can run that") or if I don't get it ("I knew she couldn't)
  45. I am pledging to myself that I will work hard and eat right starting NOW so I can do my best in my upcoming races and training.
  46. I will probably make the above pledge every day ...
  47. I am the only girl in my family - I have 4 brothers
  48. In first grade there was an older girl that would try to beat up me and Emily Memmott because we wouldn't admit that we were twins! (she was weird)
  49. I kissed the neighbor boy when I was 6! ;)
  50. I broke both bones in my right arm when I was 8 - I fell down while running around the track at Orem Jr while at my brother's coach pitch game.  It was traumatic for all of us!
  51. My favorite color is yellow
  52. My son is named after me (Cameron is my real name)
  53. My oldest daughter's middle name is after her dad (Drew)
  54. My 7 year old daughter can push my buttons like a seasoned pro!
  55. I'm afraid of the dark
  56. I don't really like to drive
  57. I have watched every stage of The Tour de France for the last 9 years.
  58. I get carsick
  59. I love getting a mani & pedi - red toenails are my favorite
  60. My ward leaves for girls camp in 5 1/2 weeks 
  61. I work well under pressure
  62. I had a large fibrous cyst removed from my ankle in high school
  63. I attended college on a track & field scholarship
  64. I worked at the Utah State Prison for 5 years
  65. I've never been out of the country - or off the US "mainland" for that matter!
  66. I love the thought of the beach - minus the sand ...
  67. I cried all through sacrament last Sunday because 3 of my graduating Laurels were speaking and I am having a hard time accepting the fact that this group of amazing girls is moving on and leaving me! 
  68. I couldn't cheer for Sydney at her cross-country races this past fall because I was crying to hard!
  69. I coach my daughters competition soccer team - it is a love/hate thing.  I love them and coaching, I hate games - I get so nervous for them it makes me physical sick!
  70. Though my blood runs "cardinal red & gold" for the Mountain View Bruins, I am an Orem Tiger too!
  71. I have to take immodium before a race - Melissa knows what I mean!
  72. I like to travel
  73. I'm a decent cook, but wish I could be better
  74. I still can't believe that they trusted me to be the YW President
  75. I often have to remind myself that I'm the YW President and not one of the YW!
  76. Andy and I have been friends since we were 12
  77. For breakfast I'm more about the hashbrowns, bacon and eggs then I am the waffles, pancakes or whatever
  78. I love ice cream, but it doesn't love me ;)
  79. I wear socks to bed - I can't sleep if my feet are cold
  80. I was not a happy pregnant women - I just didn't like it
  81. To make up for that the Lord blessed me with fast and easy labors (4 hours;  2 1/2 hours; 40 minutes; 20 minutes)
  82. I don't like having to get ready for the day - I wish I had the machine from the Jetson's that did all the work for you in 5 seconds flat!
  83. I am not a morning person
  84. I believe in adoption
  85. I don't like scary movies
  86. I like to take naps
  87. I wish I had slowed down and enjoyed high school and college more instead of rushing to be an adult - if only I had know then what I know now! ;)
  88. I'm thinking of blowing off my Stake YW meeting tonight - it is my birthday after-all!
  89. I cry every time I hear the National Anthem
  90. I share my birthday with my nephew Nick - he is 2 today!
  91. I just asked my son what was something interesting about mommy that she could write and his reply was "nothing" - ouch!
  92. I'm looking forward to summer vacation, but not ready to begin my other mommy job of activities coordinator!
  93. I like to go to BYU football games to people watch and eat stadium food.  Oh, and to be with my hubby too! ;)
  94. My husband and I had the same teacher - Ms. Adams - I had her for kindergarten, he had her at the MTC
  95. I worked at a truck stop for 6 months - it was actually very fun
  96. We choose our wedding date so it wouldn't interfere with watching the opening ceremonies of the 1996 Atlanta Summer games!
  97. In high school Andy and his friends had secret nick names for me and my friends.  They based mine on the fact that I was "anal" - they called me Luna.  They admitted these names to us after Andy and I were married, I had to point out to them that anal backwards is actually Lana not Luna.  (yes, all those years and those boys never realized they had gotten it wrong - I love him anyway!)
  98. My first job was being a scorekeeper for Orem City Baseball - all those cute boys in tight pants.
  99. Does anyone else remember going to the Stake dances and looking for "red tie guy" (aka Mike Fielding).
  100. If I get into a book, I can read for hours... only taking time to use the restroom and intervene when I hear dangerous sounding screams coming from my kids!
So there you have it, the good, bad, ugly and lame all about me!


Kristen said...

Hey Happy Birthday!!! Okay which boyfriend of yours was a waste of time and who do you still keep in contact with? I would like to know which older girl wanted to beat you and Emily up. That's funny. And did you kiss Scott M. or was it another neighbor boy? Of course I remember looking for Mike F. at the stake dances and there were a few other we would look for as well. I think those were a few of the boys we used to prank. Have a great time at girls camp. I bet you are a fun leader. Make Kodi run a few more drills at soccer too. Tell her it's from me.

Kristen said...

One more thing, I totally forgot about our names until you reminded me on my blog. Way to go with the running Superjock!!! Why did you think yours was lame, please I got Chester.

kami @ said...

Happy Birthday Camie!! I too loved HS and would love to do it again!
I bet those YW girls just love you!
I too believe in adoption - yay for adoption!!

Thanks for coming last night, that was so nice of you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!! I loved your list and will talk specifics on a run :-) Can't wait for lunch..mmm..Bajios

Mariah said...

Happy Birthday Camie. I love reading these lists. I learned so much about you!!

AmbertheGreat said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! That was really fun to read


ps I will take any good ideas about being the YW pres - that's my calling :)

Suey said...

Wow! Way to go!

You? Worry about gaining weight? Like that's going to happen!

I loved high school too.

I had other comments on things, but I forgot them already!

We missed you yesterday at book club... but I guess you had a good excuse! Happy Birthday!

(P.S. You want a book?)

Becca said...

I loved the list--and I can't wait to hear more!

Kristen said...

Oh I am so glad it was Matt J and not Scott or Matt M. or Jared P.

Jeff said...

I am totally with you on the hair band crushes!

Kim said...

oops - I didn't realize Jeff was logged in - it was really me! Oh, and I need to start running as much as you so I can eat as much as you! =)

Hassingers said...

So Happy Belated Birthday!! I love learning more about you. :)