Saturday, December 27, 2008

Can you spell excitement ... WII

We caved - more like I caved - and we got a WII for Christmas, along with just about every game and attachment that a kid (or daddy) could want!  We didn't give it to them Christmas morning, it was a surprise gift they found after having visited all the grandparents during the day.  I think the surprise was a huge success, what do you think?

The initial reaction ...

and some more celebrating ...

and some more ...

my own personal rock band -  I am so out numbered (and in trouble!)

daddy finally getting his turn to rock it!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Flashback Friday

Camie & Emi - Nov 1984

Aren't we adorable! This is me and my cousin Emi in our grandparents front yard. I don't know what is worse about this picture - those shoes, those pants, the shirt tucked in - yikes!  It must have been picture day because I normally never had my hair curled!  What scares me most about this picture is I remember that picture being taken so clearly, like it was yesterday - only I am the same age there as Sydney is today! Time warp, seriously!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cam the Man

My poor little guy had to get stitches last night!  We were at the High School for the annual Cross-country banquet and Cam was playing with our friends kids out in the foyer.  One of the inner doors in the foyer was missing the glass in the lower half of the door and Cam was running full speed and threw his body into the door to open it and went right through the lower half where the glass was missing!  So off to the Pediatricians we went!  He was so brave at the doctors office - no tears, no whining, nothing!  I am so proud of him for being such a brave little guy!  Here are some pics of his war wound!

Getting numbed up

Three stitches - no tears!