Friday, June 19, 2009

Inside Scoop!!

This is Kelsey.  I'm Camie's babysitter/friend... whatever I am :)  Camie and Andy are running the Wasatch Back Relay.  At the moment, Ty and Mya are sitting at the table painting, Syd is making an Orange Julius and Cameron is locked out of the house.  I know, right?  Best babysitter in the world... that's me!  Okay, just kidding about the last sentence, but because Camie is an extremely busy mother, she rarely gets to blog AND because she left her blogger logged in, her kids and I are totally taking over... (fill in with creepy laugh)!  

Good luck Camie and Andy! (aka Mom and Dad)


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Welcome to the Family!

I'd like to introduce you all to my baby brother Kevin.  Being that he is 31 years old and has worked as a Rocket Scientist and is currently in Medical School, I could/should probably drop the moniker of "baby" brother.  But I don't think I ever will!  I'm sure I will be well advanced in age and still calling my brothers Inny, Heathy, Adie and Kevie (their names being Ian, Heath, Adam and Kevin).  I like to think that as their favorite sister I can get away with calling them anything I want! ;)  They in turn like to remind me that I'm their only sister so it isn't really like they have a choice! ;)

Last week Kevie got married and I got another beautiful sister in law!  Welcome to the family Michele!  Let me remind you that you knew exactly what you were getting into when you married Kevie!

Kevin & Michele
June 3, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

We share a name and now an injury ...

Cameron was named after his mother and now we share an injury!  When I was just over 7 years old I fell and broke both bones in my right arm just above my wrist.  Cameron is just shy of 7 years old and fell off his sister's rip-stick this morning and broke both bones in his right arm just above the wrist!  The following pictures are not for the faint of heart ...
pictures taken with my cell phone

Yep, it was pretty gross!  Andy is out of town this week, so I was on my own.  So of course I called in reinforcements! Big thanks to my brother Kevin and his sweet wife Michele for coming and holding my hand at the hospital (I did really well until they had to set it - I stood outside the door and cried while Kev & Michele sat with a sedated Cam). Thank-you Laurie for coming to the ER and taking my other 2 rugrats to the Jogging Broads picnic, they had a great time!  And thanks to Heather for keeping Syd with her family for the day!  I wish I could say I was calm, cool and collected ... but I wasn't!  I was shaking like a leaf. Thank-you to everyone for helping me out, staying with me and giving me a shoulder to lean on!